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Met Coal Producers Association Executes Successful Annual Meeting

Updated: Aug 27

3PS client, Metallurgical Coal Producers Association (MCPA), held its annual conference at Stonewall Resort with over 250 attendees. Industry leaders spoke about the unity of met coal producers and the fact that the world needs met coal because the world needs steel.

Formed four years ago, the members of the MCPA now make up the majority of the met coal produced in the U.S. with operations in Kentucky, Pennsylvania, Virginia, and West Virginia. 3PS manages the association and our managing member, Ben Beakes, serves as its president.

Participants heard from executives from each member company. From left to right,

Chris Meyering, Coronado Global

Andy Eidson, Alpha Metallurgical Resources

J.P. Richardson, Metinvest's United Coal Company

Bob Bennett, Blackhawk Mining

Scott Kreutzer, RAMACO

Panelists Anna Wildeman (Troutman Pepper), Randy Moore (Virginia Energy), and Harold Ward (WV DEP) discussed the challenges of federal and state regulatory relations.

The panel was moderated by Brooks Smith (left), general counsel for the MCPA and managing partner of the Richmond, VA office of Troutman Pepper.

MCPA President and 3PS managing member Ben Beakes presents outgoing MCPA chairman Bob Cline (Coronado Global) with a coal miner rifle in recognition for his two years of service as chairman



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